Get A Cover
“Here’s the thing, we spend a lot of $$$ on our gear, and there is no reason to go cheap on the covers. Stan does wonderful work and delivers fast. He’s a role model for Ham made goodies. He made a cover for my IC-7600, and SPE 1K. They look beautiful.”

Please Fill Out The Order Form To Get Started
We accept the following forms of payments:
Money order
Personal check (must clear before we start or ship cover(s))
*If you would like to pay by credit card ask for an invoice to be emailed to you. This is done via PayPal and you can pay the invoice with your credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account.
*We do not accept credit card payments directly
If mailing in your payment please make payable to:
Stan Clewett
2236 Lonigan Ct.
Redding, CA 96001